April 16, 2025 — 12:30PM -
Adulthood doesn’t come with a manual, and real-life experience can’t be found through Google
or YouTube. In partnership with several community organizations, Fraser is offering a series of
safety workshops for parents and young adults to help build practical awareness and skills for
successfully navigating adulthood.
Who: Parents, neurodiverse transition-age youth (14+), teachers, advocates, OnTRAC staff, and others
Where: Fraser Bloomington, 1801 American Blvd, Suite 6, Bloomington, MN 55425.
You can use Metro Transit routes 515, 540, and 542, or we have free parking.
Cost: $35 per person, per event
When: Please register by Friday, March 28, 2025, at www.fraser.org/workshops.
The classes are rst come/ rst serve and are capped at 40 people.
For questions, email careerplanning@fraser.org.
As our community continues to evolve, so do
the trends and social expectations that shape it.
Staying informed and aware of these changes is
key to ensuring personal safety.
Understand how to stay alert to your surroundings
and minimize the likelihood of becoming
a victim. Join us to understand valuable crime
prevention advice, learn what to expect during
a traf c stop, and participate in a Q&A session
with local law enforcement.
Of cer Desmond Daniels
City of Bloomington Police
Community Services Unit
Katie Zerull
City of Bloomington Police
Crime Prevention Specialist